My name is Carrie. I'm so thankful you're here! :)
A little about me: I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and live in pursuit of worshiping him each day. My husband and I were college sweethearts and after twelve years of marriage together, we have three beautiful children and are settled in Charlotte, NC. My first kiddo was born at a local birth center. His delivery sparked my passion for pregnancy and childbirth— there is nothing more fulfilling than serving mamas, babies, and their families through the addition of a new life.
My second son was delivered by c-section. This… was not the plan. I was prepping for another wholly uncomplicated delivery and began labor at the same birth center, only to undergo a dramatic change in events. We are so thankful for his and my health, but the while our bodies physically recovered quickly from the event, my soul was left shattered. I wasn’t prepared to pick up the pieces of a such trauma, especially not while attempting to care for a newborn. This birth story of mine gave me a passion for cesarean care, fostered a love for all things VBAC, but mostly importantly, became the catalyst for creating the Delivering Hope Childbirth course.
Credit: Alexis Meisenholder
My youngest baby was born safely and wonderfully at our home under the care of midwives. It was beautiful and I still feel overwhelmed with gratitude for everything and everyone involved. However, I would not call this birth “redemptive.” Thanks to what I had been learning while creating this childbirth course, I knew that only Jesus could redeem my previous birth experiences— and that was good news! It meant that should all of my subsequent deliveries also end with trauma, God was still good, still loved me, still had a plan for me, and would still redeem it all one day while wiping every tear from my eyes.
That is the essence of the Delivering Hope Childbirth Course: our hope is in Christ and Christ alone, not in whatever we believe a perfect birth experience will afford us. We are guaranteed nothing in our births except that God is working all things for our good.
A little more about me: I love colors— my house is a kaleidoscope. I think maybe I could’ve been an Olympic speed skater if I only knew to try speed skating. My first car was a bright yellow truck named “Hannah Banana.” There’s an 87% chance my cat is actually a witch in disguise. I’m super jealous of every woman who planned their weddings after Pinterest was created (totally unfair.) Coffee + thrift shopping with friends = perfect afternoon. And beach over mountains every time. Every. Time.
Warms regards,